Saturday, March 5, 2016

Visit “El Brujo” - Archaeological Complex

El Brujo Archaeological Complex is close to the Panamericana Norte north of Trujillo. Exact location see here:

El Brujo 03
The Archaeological Complex El Brujo was a place for ritual battles of the Moche culture (apx. 200 - 800 AD) and consists of three large pyramids (Huaca Prieta, Huaca El Brujo and Huaca Cao Viejo) and other small scattered cult sites.

For the visit of El Brujo, there are various possibilities. Most tourist offices in the center of Trujillo (Plaza de Armas and Jirón Francisco Pizarro) offer organized tours for approximately S/.40 to 50 per person. Also the tourist offices in Huanchaco offer these tours.
(Apparently, there are offered cheaper tours on the other side of the Plaza de Armas (Independencia) for about S/.15 per person. I can not confirm this, but be careful with these offers. They may not satisfy your expectations.)

For those who prefer individual traveling, of course they can look for their own way. There are several regional buses from Trujillo to the north (eg Dorado, etc). You can find and take a bus easily in the bus terminal (Santa Cruz and America Sur) that goes to Chocope. These buses also can be stopped at Ovalo Grau, University UPAO, Ovalo Larco, Ovalo Papal and at the Ovalo Mochica not far from the Shopping Center “Aventura Plaza”. Travelling time is approximately 1 hour and the bus costs S/.3 to 3.50 per person.

El Brujo 04
To go to El Brujo via Chiquitoy by bus is not possible because there is no road connection. It only looks like this on the map. One might walk over field roads.
In Chocope you can find shared taxis, microbuses and motorcycle taxis to Magdalena de Cao. The price for Microbus is S/.1.50 and S/.2 for shared taxis. The ride takes only a few minutes. The road to Magdalena de Cao is new. In Magdalena de Cao (Plaza Central) then you have to change again in moto taxi to El Brujo. The motor taxis wait there for you and bring you back again to Magdalena de Cao.
You can also walk from Magdalena de Cao to the El Brujo complex (apx. 2.5 miles), but you should note, that normally there is no drive back available in El Brujo. The Motos don't like to go empty in one direction and require a correspondingly large amount if they do (from S/.7 and more). If you go by foot, you should have plenty of beverages with you, especially in summer. Back it goes accordingly.
The fare from Trujillo and back is about S/.15 to 20 per person.

The entrance to El Brujo (museum and guided tour) cost S/.10 adults and S/.5 children.
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The individual tour should start early in the morning. It takes a long time to make this tour without stress (10-11 hours should be planned). You should either pack up some food or eat something in Chocope. In Magdalena de Cao is only one restaurant at the Plaza Central (Restaurant El Brujo) and the food there is really not good. But a cold drink in the shadow there can certainly be recommend. Cold drinks are available in every store and the Museum of the Lady of Cao (Museo de la Señora de Cao).

El Brujo 01
Plaza Central, Magdalena de Cao
El Brujo 02
Road from Magdalena de Cao to "El Brujo"
El Brujo 05
"El Brujo" site
El Brujo 06
"El Brujo" site

El Brujo 07
"El Brujo" site, Wall paintings and reliefs

El Brujo 09
"El Brujo" site, The grave of the Lady of Cao

El Brujo 10
"El Brujo" site, Ocean view from top of "El Brujo"

El Brujo 11
"El Brujo" site, Ocean view from top of "El Brujo" to an other pyramid of the site

El Brujo 12
Museum of the Lady of Cao

El Brujo 13
"El Brujo" site

El Brujo 15
"El Brujo" site

El Brujo 16
"El Brujo" site, Ocean view

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