About this site...

With this site I will try to give you actual and personal information about various countries in Latin America. I was and still I am travelling through Latin America for more than 20 years. Before mainly for business and since 2011 I live in Peru. 

My name is Tom and if you have any questions you can contact me through my Facebook sites (links on the list below) or via email (Pueblo.LaLibertad@gmail.com).

I do not have detailed information or photos for all Latin countries, but if anybody wants to help me out with special countries, photos and information, you are very welcome. 

There are lots of other Blogs in Internet about Peru and several other Latin countries. I don't want to give you just one more. I also won't give you basic information about the various countries, which you can find better in Wikipedia or the official governmental sites in Internet. 
With this Blog I want to give you a mixture of personal experiences (myself and friends), travel suggestions beside the "normal" tracks and impressions how and where to realize your own and individual ideas in exploring new countries or even live anywhere in this part of the world. 

I am preparing a new project for a sustainable life-style community and individual tourist project anywhere in the jungle region. If anybody is interested in joining a new life with a new type of society you can also contact me by email and check out the site about Pueblo La Libertad as listed below.

Hope you enjoy the sites and find the information useful. Maybe see you anywhere in Latin America.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. ExploreDreamDiscover."
(Mark Twain)